

We are engaged in organising different types of coaching classes. We create good working environment where you can easily learn from our various practice sessions.Furthermore, our swimming instructors are well versed with technicalities.


We have a swimming pool for babies below 4 years of age. While swimming, you can drop your kids to the baby pool to enjoy a hassle free swim and your kids can enjoy in the toddlers pool.


We provide an opportunity for the swimmers to come and swim. So the water lovers can come and join our without coaching programs to enjoy their passion.



Why Choose Phoenix Sports Academy?


Forget about fluctuating water chemistry. Infact, forget about buying and lugging chemicals, troubleshooting problems, remembering to latch the gate, whether its safe to swim, or if your filter’s making a funny noise.


Most service contracts simply limit your freedom as a customer. By design they lock you into one-sided agreements that make it easier for companies to pay less attention to you.


When your pool filter breaks down in the middle of a heat wave, or your heater goes on the fritz in the middle of winter, it makes all the difference in the world to know you’ll get help quickly.


We don’t believe you or your family should swim in a pool without the benefits of a saltwater chlorine generator. They eliminate harmful chloramines and additives found in chlorination chemicals, and they noticeably improve water quality with a relative softening effect on hair and skin.


“Spot Cleaning” is a dirty little practice some pool service companies use to reduce their prices. It involves picking and choosing what to clean based upon what you see. It ignores basic microbiology and flies in the face of proper pool care.


You can always trust we’ll be there, on time even if you’re at work. We use GPS enabled trucks, and each scheduled service visit is logged online with our data center, complete with the details when we’re done.

How it works

Submit Your Service Request

It is very important to us that customers meet the owner, give the history of their pool, so that any kinks can be worked out before we start regular service. Pool Service cannot be quoted properly over the phone.

We Connect You With a Certified Service Coach

In some cases the pool will not be ready for weekly Pool Service. If this is the case customers will be informed of repairs or if a clean-up is needed before service can begin. Work will only be completed with customer approval.

A Service Technician Will Reach Out To You Shortly

Our Service Manager will service the pool for the first two weeks of service. During this time all equipment will be logged and a detailed report will be given to your permanent pool service technician.

Back to enjoying your backyard

Assigned service tech will start regular service.

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  • Ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
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Quam sed id excepturi ccusantium dolorem ut quis dolores nisi llum nostrum enim velit qui ut et autem uia reprehenderit sunt deleniti


CEO & Founder

Proin iaculis purus consequat sem cure digni ssim donec porttitora entum suscipit rhoncus. Accusantium quam, ultricies eget id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper.

Aniket Kadam

Senior Coach

Export tempor illum tamen malis malis eram quae irure esse labore quem cillum quid cillum eram malis quorum velit fore eram velit sunt aliqua noster fugiat irure amet legam anim culpa.

Mahesh Kate

Senior Coach

Enim nisi quem export duis labore cillum quae magna enim sint quorum nulla quem veniam duis minim tempor labore quem eram duis noster aute amet eram fore quis sint minim.